Sunday, December 2, 2007


Initially, I used this blog to write down ideas that I eventually used in choosing my primary source. These posts were not "required posts", so the language was probably less formal. Instead of writing long sentences in paragraph form, I preferred using bullet points/numbering/dashes to outline my ideas. After I chose Edward Scissorhands as my cultural text, I used this blog as a "notebook" for jotting down notes and patterns everytime I watched the film. This was convenient because as a somewhat disorganized person, I tend to lose papers, and this blog allowed me to keep track of my work. The comments I received from Ms. Bates and my peers were very helpful. I could refer to them in formulating and improving my arguments. The comments also helped me to recognize new patterns in the film that I may have missed. Even though this blog helped me to organize my ideas, I feel like I probably should have spent more time reading my peers' blogs. After posting in my own blog, I usually didn't think to click on someone else's link due to a lack of time. Also, my peers rarely left comments on my blog, so I'm probably not the only one who feels this way. Overall, I think that the blogs are nice additions to our class but a lot of time is needed to maintain them.

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