Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Oh look - more possibilites...

I remember watching the movie Now and Then quite frequently during middle school, particularly at sleepovers and birthday parties. This movie is a "coming-of-age" film that occurs primarily in the summer of 1970, in which four girls go on fun adventures, discover new things about each other, grow up, and so forth. I think the reason my friends and I were so drawn to this movie was that we could really relate to some of the themes embedded within the storyboard. Although I've never seen Stand By Me, many people who have have told me that it is similar to Now and Then, with the exception that it starrs four boys. I think that it would be interesting to compare some of the similar elements within these movies to see how gender affects the process of growing up.

I found this poster pinned to a corkboard outside of Mallinckrodt. This poster was promoting an indie music festival that was held in the Loop from Sept. 21 - 23. Although I rarely look closely at the countless flyers posted, I noticed this poster because of the artwork in the background. Unlike the other flyers, this one contained visual elements that could probably stand for itself as a piece of art. While the mentioning of Margot and the Nuclear So and So's also caught my attention, I felt that this poster alluded to the ways in which advertisers use modern images and funky designs to appeal to the ever so jaded college students.


Ms Bates said...

You've selected an interesting pairing of two cultural objects. I've mentioned this on a other blogs, but it's worth repeating--remember that the objects themselves will be the center of your investigation, rather than the launching point of a paper on that theme. To put it another way, you might ask "how do these movies decide to gender their representations of growing up?" rather than "how do these movies explain growing up?"

Do you see the difference?

Diane, where these movies produced at about the same time?

di said...

Stand By Me was released in the late 80's, and Now and Then was released in the late 90's. I guess that 10 year difference can cause some difficulties in trying to compare the two films.