Sunday, September 23, 2007


I interviewed a sophomore who took Writing 1 in the fall of 2006. For her long term project, she chose The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as her primary source. In her paper, she compared the novel to the movie (Elijah Wood version) in terms of whether or not the movie simplified certain themes within the book. She liked the idea of being able to work on the project all semester long because instead of completing the paper all at once, she had the opportunity to work on the paper step by step which gave her more time to construct a detailed argument. Her paper did not change too dramatically over time, but she did make minor adjustments to the secondary sources she wanted to use.

Her advice for someone who is just starting out: Pick a topic that you will actually enjoy writing about.

1 comment:

Ms Bates said...

Pairing a book with its film adaptation can be quite insightful and fun. Yet working with two such lengthy cultural objects necessitates added narrowing of your own--for example one or two key scenes and how they change from book to film.

Otherwise working with so much primary material can be overwhelming for a 12 page paper.